19 September 2013

Elliot Wright Music - Site Re-Design in the Works: A Brief Explanation

Hello, friends!

It has been a while since I last posted, I know.  After the initial release of my EWQLSO-Sibelius Manual Sound Set Templates, I was compelled to redirect my energies to other projects, both musical and non-musical - and it has understandably been difficult to get new blogging and video content out there since the end of January.

Now that I have some time to get back to the site, I'm facing the follow-up to some site design compromises that I came to during the lead up to the EWQLSO Template release.  In the rush to re-design the site to accommodate better on-the-go blogging capabilities, I chose to start up this 'Blogger' blog - it provides me with analytics so I can tell what kind of content is popular or not, gives readers the ability to comment (which my iWeb blog could not do), and allows me to update my blog from anywhere with an internet connection (whereas my iWeb site requires me to use only the original computer containing the site).

To allow on-the-go blogging without sacrificing control of the overall 'look and feel' of the main site, I compromised and elected to set up a static iWeb site, where the main pages and content remained mainly unchanged, and the dynamic content was populated with widgets (like SoundCloud and my Blogger RSS feed and embedded YouTube videos) which could be updated on-the-go.

The trouble with this is that even though I have greater on-the-go capabilities, I still cannot exercise direct control over my website from my PC (I do my music work on a PC because of the good power-to-hardware cost ratio) or while traveling with a netbook or laptop setup.  Rather than invest in expensive and complex software, I've been looking into WordPess as an alternative.  As I understand, it should allow many of the same functions I already get with Blogger, but will allow me to incorporate all my content into a single, standalone site, instead of splitting it between a static site and a remote blog.

What it comes down to is this: for the reasons mentioned here, I will over the next few days and weeks be updating the main site ( http://www.elliotwrightmusic.com ) to WordPress.  This may result in certain pages being down or under construction for a time, but you can bet I'll be doing everything I can to ensure that the most important content (in particular the Home page, Contact page, and Templates Sales page) is taken back online as quickly and effectively as possible.  I thank you all in advance for your patience while I do what I can to get you a better EWM experience.


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