29 February 2012

Getting There...

Well everyone, it looks like Blogger's going to be the new home for my blog.  You can look forward to a full re-vamp of the main site in the next few weeks as I streamline the whole thing to make it work more smoothly.

For those of you wondering why I'm doing this, the answer is simple: iWeb is awesome, but only to a certain extent.  I love how I can customize my site and input widgets and images etc. anywhere I need them, but I'm not totally satisfied with the blog feature.  Namely, I would really like to have the ability to hear back from my readers on the articles that matter to them, track which kinds of articles are being read, and update or post from anywhere (ie. any place I can access the internet - not just the mac in my bedroom).  

And since my iWeb-based site can only be updated from my home rather than my place of work, I would like for the main site to be a place that I don't need to update very often; but which instead contains apps and widgets and links to information on other hosts (such as this one, or SoundCloud or ReverbNation, etc.), which can be updated from my office workstation or from my netbook when I'm away from the office.

I think this will give me the ability to share more effectively with you the work I'm doing, and (really important to me) to hear back from you on what you find useful or entertaining :) .  Stay tuned!

22 February 2012

New Blog Location Announced

  Hi Everyone!  I'm trying out Blogger to see how well its features fit in with what I'm doing on my website.  Side Note: big update on the way to make the website simpler and more functional, while maintaining the same overall look and feel :) At any rate, this is essentially a test post, just to see how the blog functions and looks.  Stay tuned!